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Qinelis iv

Highlord of the Crimson Hand | Kingdom of Stromgarde | Moon Guard (US)

Age: 38
Gender: Male
Home Town: Thallan, Stromgarde
Jobs: Duke of Thallan, Highlord of the Crimson Hand
Current Residence: Thallan, Stromgarde
Titles: Duke of Thallan, Bulwark of Thallan
- Alexios is well-built for his size and takes pride in his fitness routine. He is six feet tall.
- When out and about he is almost always in a full set of armor.
- Alexios carries the Thallan Sword, passed from father to son for generations and infused with the Light.
- Duke of Thallan, the western-most duchy of Stromgarde
- Alexios is the oldest of the three Qinelis sons. His middle brother is now a Forsaken and disowned by him.
- When he was a young teenager, he was a rebellious young man. He was not interested in the Light or it's teachings.
- When the ducal capital was attacked during the second war, Alexios answered the call of the Church and quickly 'grew up.'
- He served in the Third and Fourth Wars as a Paladin of the Silver Hand, of which he still is an active member through the Crimson Hand.
- Alexios now serves as Highlord of the Crimson Hand of the liberated Kingdom of Stromgarde.
- Alexios is soft-spoken and kind, he will not purposely be outright rude to others...
- That being said, he will not hesitate to bring the Light's justice down upon those he deems needs to be cleansed from Azeroth.
- He likes to pray and meditate an unhealthy amount.
- He does not curse and is quick to remind people to use respectful language around him.

- Thallan is deep within the mountains to the west, southwest of Stromgarde Keep.
- Thallan is famed for its weapons, mining operations, and being the home of both the Western HQ for the Crimson Hand and the Ectorius School of Medicine.

Duchy of


Capital: Fortress City of Thallan
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Kingdom: Stromgarde
Ruling House: House Qinelis
Seat: Qinelis Manor

Fortress City of Thallan (Under Construction Currently) - Concept Art Only (does not own art)

- Thallan (city)
- Integrum (village)
- White Marsh (village)
- Loudon (town)
- Fort Heronhold (State/Thallan)
- Forge of Thallan
- Thallan Mage Tower
- Thallan Cathedral
- Unity Keep (Joint Whitestone/Thallan)
- Mines: Consortium, Northern, Lower, Dark

White Marsh - Concept Art Only (does not own art)

Religion: Holy Light
Location: West, Southwest of Stromgarde Keep (map flexible)
Population: 75,000. 70% Human, 25% Dwarven, 5% High Elf
- Thallan Guard
- Thallan Crimson Hand
- Thallan Crimson Circle
- Thallan Demolition Squad
- Mining
- Smithing
- Jewelcrafting
- Iron
- Truesilver
- Gold
- Gems/Crystal
Key Factions
- Qinelis House
- Thallan Mining Guild
- Thallan Crystal Consortium
- Danath Trollbane (Allegiance)
- Kingdom of Stromgarde (Allegiance)
- Duchy of Carthan (Political)
- (Duchy of) Lion's Reach (Military & Economical)
- Duchy of Whitestone (Military)
- County of Redmote (Economical)


Thallan Qinelis

- the second -

Sharlayan Healer - Diabolos [Crystal]



Gregos horner

The himbo who retired.
((Formally main character))


During the reign of King Theodoric of Ala Mhigo, Gregos' family left to find a better future in Ul'dah when he was a child. However, when they arrived in the desert city with nothing but the clothes on their back, they quickly found out they weren't welcome. They eventually found refuge with others like them at Little Ala Mhigo, deep within the desert.Gregos was raised by his strict father to be a warrior, like he was, and protect his family and the settlement from the Garlean patrols and desert monsters alike. Most of his entire life was spent in southern deserts of Aldenard, he yearned to see the world.Without his family's blessing, he left when Ishgard opened their gates to the rest of Eorzea. Over time he struck up a few friendships with those in the Skysteel Manufactory, though he spent most of his free time alone. During his years at Ishgard, he saved all of the gil he was earning through mercenary work in hopes of returning one day to Little Ala Mhigo.That plan shattered when he found out the Imperials murdered his family. Though he had no real love for Little Ala Mhigo or even his father, he took up his axe once again and joined the Resistance on his own terms.The highlander traveled far across Eorzea in an attempt to hunt down those responsible for his father's death. During a skirmish with a Garlean patrol, he released his inner beast, which caught the attention of a centurio and doctor who captured him and conducted experiments for weeks. Though Gregos escaped, he was never the same person and struggled to contain his sound mind when angered or upset.The highlander began a journey to find balance within and realized that structure in his life provided some relief from his internal turmoil. Gregos became deeply devoted to Halone during this time through the years found close friends who helped stabilize him.Now, the blue-haired highlander has better control to prevent his inner beast from taking over, but he still struggles to come out of the state when he falls into it. Only time will tell if Gregos can continue to undo the damage that was done to him - though if the Garleans have any say, he will be back within their labs.


- Alexios comes from the Qinelis household - a well-to-do family famed for their healing.
- His family employs numerous gleaners to scour Eorzea for their research.
- Having a guard and butler, Alexios often has people watching him with a constant eye - he often sneaks away when he can to experience life in Eorzea.
- He is the youngest of the three Qinelis sons and is often kept in the dark of the family's business dealings.
- Only recently he was tasked to head up the family's newest 'venture', though the exact details remain vague to him he is aware this is the first step into the family business.
- Alexios is soft-spoken and kind, he will not purposely be outright rude to others.
- His upbringing sometimes gets him in trouble with those who come from less fortunate homes as he sometimes seems out of touch.
- He is first and foremost a healer. He will come to the aid of those hurt who has was told to assist, even if it means putting himself in harm's way.
- Alexios finds Ul'dah intriguing - he thinks it's a far cry from 'Old' Sharlayan.
- There are a lot of things he was sheltered from but he's a quick learner.
- The Qinelis estate, though famous for being healers, is often subject to rumors their wealth was acquired in less than proper ways.


Age: 30
Gender: Male
Home Town: Sharlayan
Jobs: Sage
Current Residence: Ishgard
- Alexios is well built for his size and takes pride in his fitness routine. He is six fulms and six ilms, two hundred and fifty ponz.
- He has a white eye from a childhood 'accident'.
- When not wearing his family's traditional sage gear, he's often seen as 'overdressed'.
- When he dresses casually, this is usually an indication that he sneaked away from the guard that his family tasked to protect him.
- He has blue/black hair.
- Alexios has a pet owl with him often, named Yuna.
- Was your family taken advantage somehow by the Qinelis family? Alexios may be your 'in' to get revenge - even if he doesn't know it.
- Are you interested in the healing arts or in need of them? Alexios will be your man.
- Alexios doesn't seem like the street-smart type of guy, though looks may be deceiving.
- Know of any place to kick-back? Alexios is always trying to find places to 'escape' the watchful of of his family.


Age: 34
Gender: Male
Home Town: Little Ala Mhigo
Jobs: WAR, MCH
Current Residence: Shirogane (Part-Time), Ala Mhigo (Part-Time)
- Ventures with Warden's Vane and Astral Advent
- Owner of his own plushie store: Gregos' Grey Wolves
- Gregos is blind in his left eye with a profound scar, wears a headband to cover it.
- His hair was all black at one point but after his capture by Garleans, it's now bright blue.
- He has many scars across his body - the most prevalent on his right shoulder, three large ridges along his back, and one down his entire front.
- Gregos has a tattoo on his left pec of a wolf.
- He is six fulms and five ilms, two hundred and forty-five ponz
- The highlander is the Lieutenant Commander of Diego Deleon's company called Warden's Vane. Though this title is mostly symbolic at this point - he still does work for the hrothgar.
- When not at home or working with Diego, Gregos can be found assisting Ala Mhigo through the Astral Advent.
- During his free time, Gregos travels to Ishgard, a place that is dear to his heart.


- Gregos will always join those who wish to fight the Garleans.
- The highlander is seeking information on any Imperial facilities involved with aetherical experimentation.
- He loves Ala Mhigo and Ishgard equally.
- Gregos hates Ul'dah, even though he works for the Warden's Vane which is headquartered there.
- He often travels often to Ishgard as he is deeply devout to Halone.
- The highlander often does ventures for the Astral Advent and can be found all over Gyr Albania.
- Gregos has difficulty reading or writing.
- He tries his best to be polite and friendly to those who are back to him but will turn cold when he feels he's been slighted or wronged - or if he believes you are less than honorable.
- He is not the brightest bulb, but he's well-meaning. Gregos can stumble over words and can misinterpret things easily.
- Gregos can be quick to anger about topics such as Imperials, the Syndicate, or prying too fast into his past.
- He respects strength, and those who he feels are in command. He has no issues taking orders from people who he feels he can trust.




((Better Picture Coming Soon))Jancis is one of the kindest people that Gregos has ever had the pleasure of knowing. The midlander never once looked down upon Gregos when he's gotten confused or when he needed help reading scrolls.The highlander always knew that Jancis was devoted to the Navigator and the Twelve and looked up to her wisdom when it comes to understanding the higher powers of the star.Gregos finally got to see first hand how powerful of a mage she was during an attack on the Astral Advent. Not only could Jancis hold her own but she was the first to tend to Gregos' injuries and helped him get on his feet.


Master of the Greywolf household - Brooker can be kind and sometimes a bit cruel, but always takes care of both Gregos and Alistair.A powerful shaman, Brooker is there to patch up Gregos whenever he gets over his head and his injuries are further than traditional care can heal.


Researcher. Sharpshooter. Chocobo Racer?A free-spirited highlander, Tyr is the man that Gregos is a bit envious of, but someone that he respects. After a few rocky interactions, a chance encounter within the Peaks cemented Tyr as someone that Gregos could learn to trust. The two highlanders grew up very different as the blue-haired man spent years in combat training with little time to learn basics like reading, while the other spent years researching and engineering new gadgets.Gregos hopes to teach Tyr ways to protect himself better as payment for his friend teaching him how to read and write.


The son of Alistair and another Fist of Rhalgr. Gregos met N'hara in passing with the monk gatherings but had no idea that N'hara was the son of his lover until they ran into each other at Alistair's house.It was then that the two became better acquainted and bonded over food and stories. Their friendship was cemented when Gregos tore open his wound only to cared for by the half-highlander. Worried that Alistair would be upset to learn that Gregos was not careful with his injury, N'hara took it upon himself to use his knowledge in healing and first aid to patch the man's injury and prevent infection.The kindness that N'hara showed him that night would not be forgotten and Gregos is now more than ever determined to be a friend and ally to the half-highlander.


A friend of the Greywolfs, Reks got to know Gregos through N'hara and Alistair. A powerful healer and magic user, Gregos secretly admires the man's intellect and agility on the battlefield.Outside of combat, Reks is there to encourage Gregos to stand on his own and expand his horizons.


Gregos met Osric through his bonded, Kanaria, and the other Fists of Rhalgr. A Limsan monk is rare to find and Gregos has a deep respect for the man after they bonded over past experiences. Their upbringing may have been vastly different, but their past struggles share a common thread and Gregos feels that he can learn a lot from Osric.The highlander knows that the midlander could one day be a valuable ally and friend.


Gregos met Autgar at the Fist of Rhalgr teachings and training, which at first the blue-haired highlander avoided the imposing monk.Their relationship didn't start to form until Berrod instructed Gregos to go to Advent's office in Ala Mhigo to pick up ventures. It was there that he ran into Autgar who managed the remote location.Now, Gregos considers Autgar a powerful friend and ally.


Seneu and Gregos have known each other for quite some time, but to this day, they are not as close as they should be. The miner/ businessman met Gregos many moons ago, but they originally never hit it off due to Gregos' bullish nature versus the refined Far East highlander. Recently, they have gotten back in touch, though Gregos is still uneasy around him as Seneu still perplexes him.Not a mercenary or warrior, Seneu never hesitates to put Gregos in his place when he's out of line, something that the axeman secretly admires. It may be because Gregos has never met a businessman who's stood up to him before.


A young monk. Fiercely devoted to The Destroyer. Intimidating. Those are how best Gregos can describe Flora. Though he does not necessarily agree with her teachings, he has a deep respect for her beliefs, passion, and drive to ensure the Fists of Rhalgr adhere to the religious foundations of their order.As a woman who has shunned living in most established settlements, preferring to wander the cliffs and mountains of the area, Gregos has a deep concern for her well being but understands her reasons to stay away from most. He has instead quietly gone to check on a few places he knows that she frequents, leaving notes and dried fruit, not out of pity, but to remind her that if needed, she has another ally within Gry Abania to call upon if she chooses.


A younger monk, A'ken is a breath of fresh air to Gregos. Full of ambition, Gregos often thinks that he could take some lessons from the miqo'te about seizing life and positivity.Gregos met A'ken during the monk trainings, but they never really spoke until they met at a hunting lounge. An outing into the forest to kill a mark was where they both earned respect for each other's combat skills - even if Gregos found the hunt a glaring example of why he preferred to work alone.In time, Gregos hopes to forge a stronger friendship with A'ken, that is if the younger miqo'te's teasing doesn't rub him too much the wrong way.


A young man with past ties to the Garlean Empire was the last person that Gregos thought he would befriend. The older highlander had no idea of Martin's past when he developed a soft spot for him.Gregos saw a younger self in the brash, mouthy highlander - and curiosity and need to help guide the man took root. After learning of Martin's shady ties to the Crania Lupi, the older highlander's world views were turned upside down and after some internal soul searching, Gregos was more determined to befriend Martin and help him avoid the same mistakes he has.Gregos feels that Martin would be an outstanding and formidable warrior and monk for Ala Mhigo, if only he would be more disciplined and make peace with his own past.


The man with fun hair.That's the way Gregos remembers the monk when they first met. Gregos was interested in getting to know the Fist of Rhalgr as Balthius trained under Berrod and Autgar before he became acquainted.In time, the blue haired highlander became close to Balthius and considers him an extension of his family - almost like a brother he never had.


Gregos met Natja at the Gilded Horn lodge after a successful hunting trip. It was there that the highlander became curious of the 'woman with an accent' and befriended her.After some time, Natja and Gregos' paths ended up crossing a few more times and he learned of her respect for his faith with Halone. He's more than happy to share in Her Grace and is beyond ecstatic to find someone that he can discuss Ishgardian affairs with.


Gregos traveled to Ala Mhigo to answer a strange message to return 'home.' It was there, in the Quarter, that he ran into an imposing man keeping a watchful eye on him.About a moon later, Gregos was out patrolling The Lochs with his trusty axe when he bumped into Berrod, but this time he asked to spar with the (now former) Fist of Rhalgr. Hoping to show the monk that he's not just talking when it comes to serving Ala Mhigo, that he was a capable warrior.Many moons later, Gregos considers Berrod his closest ally and friend. Even if their tempers flare up with one another, he has a deep respect for the highlander. Gregos would never hesitate to put his life on the line if he had to protect his brother-in-arms.


Oh, the innocent Genki...Gregos ran into Genki when they were both after the same mark. After a rocky start, Gregos and Genki teamed up and killed the beast. The latter thought it was 'fun' while Gregos found it exhausting.After they got to know each other, Gregos took a liking to the young Hrothgar. Knowing that Genki's naive nature would get him into trouble (or worse killed), Gregos decided to take him under his wing. He would never admit it out loud but Gregos has a soft spot for the good-natured Hrothgar and views him like a younger brother.If the world turned Gregos dark and cold, it's the wide-eyed Hrothgar who will make him believe that it is still good and beauty is to be found... even if Genki has to drag Gregos kicking and screaming to see it.


The Hrothgar is as close to Gregos as any man could be. A confidant and one of the few people who the highlander respects, Lazlo has earned his trust by being a rock that he needs.That trust came after Gregos gave the Hrothgar a cold welcome when he visited the Quarter. But, after a chance encounter where the Hrothgar saved his life, Gregos quickly warmed up to him.Level-headed, tactical and kind, Lazlo can at times be the exact opposite of Gregos. Though they were once an item, Lazlo's past drove a wedge between them. In time the two rebuilt their relationship and Lazlo is now considered part of the Greywolf family.


Darius, or as Gregos likes to call him 'Magic Man,' hails from Limsa but very much a Highlander as he's stubborn as a bull. Adept in healing and destruction magic, Gregos and Darius met and sparred a few times to test each other.As a physically stronger man, Gregos got the upper hand each fight, but in their last fight Darius shot him with a bolt of lightning that quickly ended the duel. Gregos wouldn't make that same mistake again so they stopped dueling for a time and traveled on many contracts. Darius is slowly peeling back Gregos' layers and finding his soft side hidden behind years of torment.


Berrod invited Gregos to attend his monk training on the outskirts of Rhalgr's Reach when he met Kanara and her husband Osric. Though he found the lessons insightful, he was not a monk, nor did he want to become one. The only other person in his shoes was their resident healer, Kanaria.Thankfully, she was the one who helped Gregos break the ice with the group. A kind soul, she noticed him standing alone before befriending him and helping him meet new people. Their friendship was cemented during a rather nasty encounter with a traitorous monk where they teamed up to assist the group as best as they could.Gregos has an extremely deep respect for Kanaria, whether it's her healing or kindness she has shown him.(Though he will never admit it, he is also fond of her bird companion as well!)


Alistair was Gregos' employer while he served as a retainer, a strange relationship the highlander never thought he would find himself in. Charged with protecting Alistair with his life, Gregos was often seen escorting his employer through enemy territory, being the muscle for negotiations or killing monsters who threaten their livelihood.Gregos and Alistair are now partners and the blue-haired highlander has now moved east part-time. Though Gregos is no longer employed, he still retains a strict code with Alistair out of respect and will put his life on the line for the man he holds dear.


Never underestimate a miqo'te that knows how to shoot spells - that was the lesson Gregos learned when he was decided to test his new client's ability to fend for himself.After meeting each other at the Quicksand, Gregos took interest in the Tia and his work uncovering the secrets of the Allagan Empire. Learning that his expeditions to the far reaches of Eorzea and deep within Garlean territory, Gregos jumped at the chance to accompany the M'Lexus. After all, it was an opportunity to strike down Imperials.Currently, Gregos and M'Lexus are in the beginning stages of their friendship, but he hopes that eventually, he will find a new friend in the kind, intelligent younger man.


Gregos picked up a contract to escort a shipment that belonged to Diego, unaware that the cart was full of illegal items. When the highlander found out, the two fought for control until Gregos destroyed it.Taunting the highlander, Gregos went after Diego until he was captured by the hrothgar. A series of misunderstandings happened between the two men until they eventually settled on an uneasy truce.Once Gregos learned that he could trust Diego, the highlander started to work for the legal side of his business and quickly became the hrothgar's main security officer.Gregos still works for Diego on the side and considers him a close friend, even going as far as to turn a blind-eye to the unsavory aspects of the hrothgar's business.


Often seen in the Lane, Frey befriended Gregos when he was serving as Alistair's bodyguard. Though the highlander was cold towards the miqo'te at first, he quickly warmed up to them.Gregos does not necessarily approve of Frey's work within the Lane, but he came to realize that behind the more questionable side, there was a good person underneath, one who cares deeply for their friends and allies.The highlander will never admit it out loud but the amount of time Gregos spends talking to the miqo'te has proven that he has a soft spot for his sassy and witty friend.


Iex is Berrod and Sarij's housemate and someone that Gregos has quickly became fond of and not because the highlander keeps eating what he cooks.An incredibly smart hrothgar, Gregos looks to Iex to explain things about magictek and everything about his homeland. He also keeps Gregos out of trouble when the highlander gets overly curious about things that could harm him.Gregos already considers Iex a friend. Jury is out if Iex considers Gregos a friend or a nieve highlander who's going to get himself killed one day.




Above Artist: Vvernacatola

Above Artist:

Above Artist: Tooterdoodles

Above Artist: snipetto


Above Artist: Barascrawler

Above Artist: Vvernacatola


Above Artist: AJProton

Above Artist: Bradley Clodfelter

Above Artist: FroxG

Above Artist: clock-heart



RP Limits
Alexios looking for friendship, contracts to run, adventuring and people to interact with him. I do have limits within roleplaying and will not do anything that will kill or maim my character. I also do not participate in ERP and not looking for any romantic or flirty relationships.
I ask that if any limit is reached we both be respectful of one another.I love to build stories and bounce ideas off of each other after an initial introduction of our characters. That doesn't mean can't do one-offs - but I would prefer long(er) term stories and arcs. It gets a bit old RP'ing the same stories over and over.As a reminder, who Alexios is and who I am are very different people. We are not the same. The quickest way for me to stop RP'ing with you is by confusing this.Friends in-game are awesome and I'm always happy to team up OOC.
In FFXIV I spend most of my time on Diabolos OOC and prefer to keep RP on other servers that are more friendly to it.